"What do I need to decide before ordering one of these?"

Bundle your order and save.
Think about the time that your activity is going to take.
- 2-3 hours - UnderCool Bundle
- 3-8 hours - Festival Bundle
- 8-14 hours or multiple days in a row - Adventure Bundle
Upgrade from an UnderCool to a Festival or Adventure to save on extra sets of packs or an extra vest.
Adventure Bundle
2 Vest Garments (your choice of white or black...and yes you can get 2 of the same color!!)
2 sets of Cooling Packs (your choice of ExtendedCool or SlimCool...and yes you can get 2 sets of the same kind!)
Festival Bundle
1 Vest Garment (your choice of white or black)
2 sets of Cooling Packs (your choice of ExtendedCool or SlimCool...and yes you can get 2 sets of the same kind!)
UnderCool Bundle
Time Limit
- 2-3 hours
- Short events
- Exercise
- Walking the dog
- Errands
- Mowing the lawn
1 Vest Garment (your choice of white or black)
1 set of Cooling Packs (your choice of ExtendedCool or SlimCool)

Black or White? Pick Your Color
- If your wardrobe is mostly dark clothing order a black vest.
- If your wardrobe is mostly light clothing order a white vest.
- If your wardrobe is both dark and light clothing order an Adventure Bundle, it comes with an option for a black and white vest.
One common question: Is the white vest cooler? White will reflect more sun if the white vest is the outside layer.
However ThermApparel Cooling Vests are designed to be worn under your clothing directly against the skin, so the color doesn't matter in regards to heat reflection.
If you intend to wear your ThermApparel Cooling Vest on the outside or your clothing, please consider heat reflection and go with what works best for your area.

Correct Size = Better Cooling
Why is size so important? Easy answer, the size determines how it works. If the Vest Garment is too big, the Cooling Packs seem "floppy" or the Vest Garment doesn't seem tight, you won't get the optimum cooling, the Cooling Packs won't feel cool and they won't last as long. The Cooling Packs work by direct and FIRM contact with the body.
ThermApparel Cooling Vests don't fit like a standard shirt. They wrap around you in a firm but comfortable way to transfer the cooling to your core.
UnderCool fits at your natural waist, this is the area below your ribcage but above your belly button. Think of how a cumberbund or corset fits.
For easy sizing guidelines watch this fantasticvideo with Julia or we can send you a free FitKit, that comes with a measuring tape and sizing tips.
Sizing Tips:
Sizing for your ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest is really important because it's based on your natural waist. It’s very simple to find your natural waist and you can do it one of two ways.
- Stand or sit up nice and tall and bend to the side, where your body naturally creases is your natural waist. Think of the “I'm a Little Teapot” song …” tip me over and pour me out”…right, where you crease, is where you want to measure.
- You can find your natural waist in the area below your rib cage but above your belly button. Right in the center part of your abdomen, in the narrower part where your body naturally narrows
- Sizing is based on your natural waist, not your hips or pant size.
- Measure against your skin.
- Avoid using anything that has stretch to measure with.
- Take your measurements in front of a mirror.
- Make sure your tape measure is level on both sides.
- UnderCool needs to fit your body like a glove to give you the best cooling support.
- You will wear a size smaller than you think.
Women's Sizing Guide:
- Sizing is dependent on natural waist size, not bust size.
- You will wear a smaller size than you think.
- If you are between 2 sizes order the LARGER size

1. Stand or sit up straight and tall.

2. Bend at both sides.
Where you naturally
bend in your natural

3. Measure where you bend.
If you don't bend measure below rib cage but above belly button.
Men's Sizing Guide:
- We recommend ordering a size smaller than your usual T-shirt size.
- (If you wear a large T-shirt, a Medium UnderCool will fit best.)
- Sizing is dependent on your natural waist size, not hip or belt size
- You will wear a smaller size than you think.
- If you are between 2 sizes order the LARGER size

1. Stand or sit up straight and tall.

2. Bend at both sides.
Where you naturally
bend in your natural

3. Measure where you bend.
If you don't bend measure below rib cage but above belly button.
Don’t Have a Fabric Measuring Tape?
You can measure your waist the same way with a straight ruler and:
String / Yarn
Dental Floss
Charging cord from your phone

Cooling Time vs Weight
There are 2 cooling pack choices. It's simple. One lasts longer than the other. SlimCool Packs last 1-2 hours and ExtendedCool packs last 2-3 hours.
Think about what activities you intend to use your ThermApparel Cooling Vest for and how long it takes to complete the activity. If you are going for a short walk use the SlimCool Paks, if you are playing Golf, go for the ExtendedCool Packs
Examples of choices.
- I am going to be sitting most of the time. Slim Cool
- I am doing hard aerobic workouts. Extended Cool
- I go for a short walk each day. SlimCool
- I am going to hike in the morning. Extended cool
What is the difference other than time? The ExtendedCool packs weigh a small amount more.
The Vest Garment with 4 SlimCool Cooling Packs weighs 1.3 lbs
The Vest Garment with 4 ExtendedCool Cooling Packs weighs 1.9 lbs.
ThermApparel is a small business making big waves in the heat sensitivity world by designing the first lightweight, comfortable and invisible cooling vest, UnderCool. Check us out online, on our blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or ideas in the comments below, we will follow up. You can always reach us via:
Live Chat - www.thermapparel.com | Email - contact.us@thermapparel.com | Phone - 855-232-7233 | Address: ThermApparel LLC. 40 Franklin St. 4th Floor, Rochester, NY 14620