Quick Guide to Cooling Times:
* Please note. All cooling time will vary based on your own use and personal level of heat sensitivity.
The ExtendedCool Cooling Packs last 2-3 hours depending on your level of activity.
- 3+ hours if you're wearing it inside in an air-conditioned area 3 hours if you're are doing light housework
- 2.5 hours if you're are outside doing gardening or taking a brisk walk
- 2 hour if you're on a treadmill or exercising
- 1 hour if you're in extreme temps
The SlimCool Cooling Packs last 1-2 hours depending on your level of activity.
- 2+ hours if you're wearing it inside in an air-conditioned area
- 2 hours if you're are doing light housework
- 1.5 hours if you're are outside doing gardening or taking a brisk walk
- 1 hour if you're on a treadmill or exercising
- under 1 hour if you're in extreme temps
There are four main factors that will determine how long your cooling packs will last with your ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest.
1. What type of packs you have?
There are 2 different Cooling Packs that fit the UnderCool Vest.
SlimCool is the original cooling pack. They're really thin and lightweight and will last 1-2 hours.
ExtendedCool lasts 2-3 hours hours and are only slightly thicker than the SlimCool Packs.

2. What activity are you doing / how hot are you?
There are some other factors that might make the cooling time go up or down a little bit. The average American body temperature is 97.5F / 36C which is actually a little lower than what we think is average, 98.6. This temp can fluctuate depending on hormones, how tall you are, body fat percentage and all sorts of little personal factors. The main reason it fluctuates is dependent on what activities you're doing.
If you are running you're going to naturally have a higher body temperature because your muscles are working hard, they’re consuming energy and that's creating heat that then needs to leave you body and your core and disperse out into the environment
For instance, if you’re running a triathlon with the SlimCool Packs they are not going to last a full hour, whereas if you are sitting in an air-conditioned room they might last 3+ hours because the packs actually will be recharged if the room you're in is less than 70˚F / 21˚C, even though your body heat is melting the packs.
If you’re running a triathlon with the ExtendedCool Packs they will last about 90 min, whereas if you are sitting in an air-conditioned room they might last 4+ hours because the packs actually will be recharged if the room you're in is less than 70˚F / 21˚C, even though your body heat is melting the packs.
3. How hot is your environment?
To use the same example, if you're running a triathlon and it’s 70 -80˚F / 21- 26˚C, the SlimCool Packs will last about an hour. But if it’s 100˚F / 37˚C the SlimCool Packs will last less than an hour.
if you're running a triathlon and it’s 70 -80˚F / 21- 26˚C, the ExtendedCool Packs will last about an 90 min. But if it’s 100˚F / 37˚C the ExtendedCool Packs will last about an hour.
Also take into account the humidity of the environment. In a humid environment our bodies don't work as well at cooling themselves because your sweating ability doesn't work as well. In a much more drier less humid environment you need to make sure you drink more water because you are sweating, but you don't feel wet because your sweat is evaporating. Its much easier for your body to deal with a hot dry environment to cool itself than a hot humid environment.
4. How do you store / transport you packs?
The three main ways you can store your packs are in a cooler of ice water, a freezer or fridge. if you store them in ice water or a freezer you will generally get an extra 10 to 15 minutes of cooling time out of your packs than if you store them in the fridge.
That’s a good thing, but the downside is when you put your vest on right out of ice water or the freezer it's going to be really cold for that first 10 minutes. You’ll get that little cringe, super ice cold feeling until it acclimates to your body temp.
We have many customers that don't put their vest on right out of the freezer or fridge and take it with them to the golf course or to the baseball game and put it on when they get there so they get extra time out of their vest. They also take a small cooler of ice water so they can recharge their cooling packs in 30 min so they can keep enjoying their event instead of having to go home.
If you have the UnderCool Cooling Vest sitting next to you in the car it's going to melt a little bit right and you will loose some cooling time. But if you put it in a cooler bag and take it with you the vest will have its full charge when you get it there and need to use it.
The ThermApparel Cooler Bag has enough space to hold 2 vests with 2 sets of packs or the equivalent of six 12 Oz. cans.
Comes with re-freezable ice inserts, made from cubes of pure USA water, to keep your vests and packs cool up to 4 hours!
There is a 36" adjustable strap for easy carrying and features a front slip pocket for your phone or keys.
FOLDABLE: Our coolers fold flat to save space. 8" W x 10" H x 4" D
REUSABLE: Refreeze the cubes of pure USA water and reuse again and again.
EFFECTIVE: Extra cooling packs and vests stay cool for hours

ThermApparel is a small business making big waves in the heat sensitivity world by designing the first lightweight, comfortable and invisible cooling vest, UnderCool. Check us out online, on our blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or ideas in the comments below, we will follow up. You can always reach us via:
Live Chat - www.thermapparel.com | Email - contact.us@thermapparel.net | Phone - 855-232-7233 | Address: ThermApparel LLC. 40 Franklin St. 4th Floor, Rochester, NY 14620