play cool. stay cool.
Now that we are past Labor Day and school is back in session, summer fun seems to be in the rearview mirror; but is it? Just last week we still had temps in the upper 80’s and low 90’s. I know the mental space is for us to prepare for winter and not buy another swimsuit. How accurate is this thinking?
If you are not new to our newsletter, you already know we are all about fun and participating in life. Let this be a call to action, get the picnic basket, sunscreen, walking shoes, a bottle of water, and your UnderCool; get out there and enjoy!
Why can’t we have summer fun during the school year? Get the homework done and play, it's good for mind, body, and spirit. Each month we keep receiving great stories of customers using their UnderCool to help with the little things, the big things, and things we didn’t even think about. We are dedicating this month's newsletter to those creative ways to use your UnderCool outside the box. If you have a story please tell us.
what's your creative way you use your UnderCool?
Now. I. Can. amazing stories from customers.

now. you. can. Three simple words. Now You Can through the power of stories. Soon after UnderCool arrived on the market, we started receiving incredible stories from our customers.
People were now able to do things that they couldn't do without their UnderCool. A common theme quickly emerged, these stories all started "Because of my UnderCool NOW I CAN" go to, graduation, the beach, ride a horse, drive around in a convertible, and on and on.
These stories are why we get up in the morning, they are the inspiration that drives ThermApparel. Please tell us your now you can story.

“I have a difficult time getting showered, dressed and out the door in a timely manner without having to stop and rest. I decided to put my vest on after my shower and it has made a huge difference for me! I'm not overheating while trying to dry my hair and get ready. This wasn't a use I had planned on, but it sure does make a difference in my day-to-day life. I thought you'd like to know!" – Laura
thinking ahead

Personally, I am the world's worst when it comes to the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared”. Some might say it’s as laughable as crazy cat videos on YouTube. Nevertheless, this is the time of year that those of us up north start to make those (I CAN’T TAKE THE COLD ONE MORE DAY) plans. When you start to have the thoughts of Florida, Arizona, and other places, remember your UnderCool. The heat can be something we seek or is totally out of our control. My personal favorite is visiting my grandma. It will be 25˚F on Thanksgiving, but in the home of my beloved 90-year-old grandma, it's 85˚F!
Also, don’t forget that costume, Halloween is getting near. If you're like me, you run to the closet and pull out that costume you’ve had for years and each year say “This is it, I am never going to wear that heavy hot costume again.” but never remember to get something new. The time is now to think ahead for going to grandmas, Halloween parties, winter vacations or even just blow drying your hair. (see our new Now You Can story) So, plan ahead with me this year and save 10% off your purchase with code PLAN18.

in case of emergency
Living with MS teaches how to be prepared for the unexpected and emergencies, many handle the unexpected everyday and are excellent at coping with emergencies. With planning, and preparing for an emergency or natural disaster can be reassuring. Knowing there is a plan, a place to go and a bag to take can make the difference between an inconvenience and an emergency.
stay safe out there
Usually, once a month we post a blog about other uses for our UnderCool Cooling Vest and the Cooling Packs. With Florence heading for shore we couldn’t help but think of Rhonda’s email to us last fall in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.
"I live in Fort Myers FL and I was without power for 5 days and our community was flooded after the hurricane. The temperature was in the mid to high 90’s with high humidity. Not only was I not able to leave my home because of the flooding, I had no power, therefore, no A/C and no refrigerator or freezer for those 5 days… READ MORE
We have gotten lots of questions about the best way to insert cooling packs into your UnderCools. We have made a cool video to show you how. Take a look.
Make sure the cooling packs are frozen solid.
By using your forearms use pressure to pull the fabric pocket in opposite directions.
Use one hand to open the pocket, use the other hand to insert the cooling pack.
Watch this video to see just how easy it is to insert the cooling packs into your UnderCool.

ThermApparel is a small business making big waves in the heat sensitivity world by designing the first lightweight, comfortable and invisible cooling vest, UnderCool. Check us out online, on our blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or ideas in the comments below, we will follow up. You can always reach us via:
Live Chat - | Email - | Phone - 855-232-7233 | Address: ThermApparel LLC. 40 Franklin St. 4th Floor, Rochester, NY 14620