Testimonial - LupusChick and ThermApparel

Do you have MS or Lupus and deal with heat sensitivity? The heat is one of my main triggers as someone who lives with lupus. I was lucky enough to try ThermApparel's invisible cooling vest and review the product. The vests come in black or white and weight less than 2 lbs with the cooling packs in them! Also, I receive no commission or payment for this review. Learn more at thermapparel.com or lupuschick.com


Hey everyone it's Marissa from LupusChick and today I wanted to do a quick review on the ThermApparel Cooling Vest. Before I actually go into my review I just want to let you know that I am NOT being paid for this review and I do not receive any commission or any kickbacks if you buy one of these vests.

I was really excited to try the vest because the heat is something that is such a game changer for me. It's probably my biggest trigger as far as Lupus and putting me into a flare.

A couple years ago I made the decision to leave Fort  Lauderdale, where I had lived for over 20 years, and moved to upstate New York near the Canadian border, because I do so much better in the cooler weather. Then I found out that in my town is a company called ThermApparel and they created this cooling vest.

The technology was originally created for people with MS that have a hard time keeping their body cool. But the more I spoke with them and let them know my story and the stories that I hear a lot on LupusChick, that other people have triggers from the heat, being out in the sun for a few minutes, being overheated or not being able to handle the heat very well, we decided to test the vest out on me. 

They call it the world's first invisible cooling vest. Because honestly when you're wearing it you can't even tell it's on. It's so lightweight even with the cooling packs it's under 2 pounds.

There's 4 cooling packs in the back of each vest and they slide into pockets. You might be wondering, what size do I order? I wear an extra extra small (XXS). So just for reference I am 5' 2",  I weigh a 104 lbs and I normally wear an extra small to a small in clothes, but because these stretch so much an extra extra small actually works the best for me. 

The vest is very soft, really comfortable and when I wear a t-shirt over it you have no idea that I'm wearing the vest underneath.

I was actually able to try out the cooling vest right before a trip to a conference in Texas that I was going to speak at. I was actually really worried about going there because it was  in the 80s and 90s in Dallas at that time. 

I typically run a fever almost every single day because of Lupus. ThermApparel told me, when I put the vest on it should last maybe about an hour, a little bit more depending on how hot it is outside, how hot you are, what your temperature is and what you're doing. **

If you're doing physical activity or exercising, your cooling packs are going to start to warm up a little bit quicker. So for me just sitting in the car the cooling packs lasted about an hour and I have to tell you it was very comfortable. I felt like my body wasn't overheating. I also brought a cooler with me with ice so I put the extra cooling packs in there to cool.

I was worried that it would be uncomfortable and it actually wasn't at all. I wore it throughout the conference. No one knew that I was wearing it unless I said something to them. For me it was a great experience. I don't really see any cons with this cooling vest.

When you put it on you are going to feel a temperature difference, but it's not that it's an uncomfortable feeling, like when you have an ice cube that goes against your skin. It's nothing like that. You do feel that it's cooling you and then it just combines with your body temperature. You don't really feel it but you know that it's working because you notice that you're not getting as overheated. Personally, if I am in the heat, I will  spike an even higher fever and I'll start to get hot flashes, the vest really helps controlling that. 

You don't have to use this cooling vest only when you're going outside in the heat. If you have Lupus and you want to exercise in your home but you notice that when you do strenuous exercise your body temperature rises and you start to feel a little overheated or you start to have symptoms, this would be a great time to put the vest on.

The vest comes in black and white and you can order extra cooling packs.  I can't say enough good things about this company. I think they're amazing and the people behind it really have a heart for helping people that have medical conditions and they want to help us make our lives easier and more enjoyable so we can thrive. Their website is thermapparel.com and whether you have MS, or Lupus, or heat sensitivity I highly recommend checking out the UnderCool Cooling Vest.


** Marissa was wearing the SlimCool Cooling Packs which last 1-2 hours.
The ExtendedCool Cooling Packs will last 2-3 hours.



ThermApparel is a small business making big waves in the heat sensitivity world by designing the first lightweight, comfortable and invisible cooling vest, UnderCool. Check us out online, on our blog, or FacebookTwitter, PinterestLinkedIn and Instagram.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or ideas in the comments below, we will follow up. You can always reach us via:

Live Chat - www.thermapparel.com  |  Email - contact.us@thermapparel.com  | Phone - 855-232-7233 |  Address: ThermApparel LLC. 40 Franklin St. 4th Floor, Rochester, NY 14620

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