Keeping your cool on the track is a gold medal plan for winning. By keeping yourself from overheating you will have focused concentration, better driving, and faster times. Watch Kurtis explain how he uses Pre-Cooling, Event Cooling, and Post-Cooling at the go-kart track to keep him from losing his cool.
Video Transcription:
Julia: Tell me how you use your cooling vest while you're go-karting.
Kurtis: I use it in between races, we do one practice session, two heat races, and a feature. So every time that I come off the track, I get off, I put this on, and then I start drinking my water and make sure I stay in the shade as much as possible. And by the time the next race comes around, which is usually about an hour or so, I take it off, I don't actually wear it in the cart, because there's not enough room for the seat and the vest at the same time. But it really helps keep that core down and makes me feel so much better and ready to go by the next race.
Julia: So tell me why you're eating a slushy.
Kurtis: Cause this can help keep you cool!
Julia: Why?
Kurtis: Because it goes all the way down in your stomach. The ice melts really quickly, and it cools your core from the inside out. Doesn't taste too bad either.
Julia: Why did you just dump water on your head?
Kurtis: Mostly because it just feels good. It doesn't do a whole lot for your core temperature, but it sure feels good. And if you're wearing a hat or something like that, you can put that on and then the evaporation from the water and the sweat will cool you down. The trick is that you always have to have evaporation. So if you're in a high-humidity area, that might feel good, but it may actually make the problem worse. Because remember your sweat has got to evaporate for you to cool.
Julia: Tell us what you're doing.
Kurtis: This looks kind of funny because I am getting my pants wet. Because I have to wear pants for my sport and my sport is driving go-karts. Well, when I'm driving, the wind will go over my pants it will evaporate the water off my pants and keep me cool while I'm driving. I don't recommend this unless you're doing something where the air is going to be pushing over you so that it can act as an air conditioner. Because otherwise, your body will just heat this water up, and then you'll just have hot water on you. But, because of the airflow it's going to dry, and that drying will keep me cool while I'm driving.
Don't wait until you get hot to put on your ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest. Use Pre-Cooling, Event Cooling, and Post-Cooling to keep you from overheating and losing your cool.
- Wear your cooling vest the day beforeyour event and switch your cooling packs every 2-3 hours. This will help keep your energy levels up, concentration sharp and you won't be exhausted the day of the event.
- Hydrate with water as much as possible. Don’t chug, instead drink small sips of cold water consistently to keep you hydrated. Keep a water bottle with you all day.
- Practice switching the cooling packs. Tip:Have a towel handy to wipe off the Cooling Packs as they come out of the ice water.
Event Cooling
- Wear your cooling vest before and after each race. The faster you get your heart rate down, and the faster you cool your core, the faster you recover. You will experience less fatigue and more strength for the next race.
- Hydrate with water as much as possible. Don’t chug, instead drink small sips of cold water consistently to keep you hydrated. Keep a water bottle with you all day.
- Drink a Slushy or snow cone after each race. Getting small chips of ice in you quickly will help keep your core at a safe temperature, helping you to recover and conserve energy.
- Use a UV Umbrella or parasol, and sunscreen if out in the sun. It’s especially helpful while waiting for things to start.
- Wet down the front of your pants before your race. The airflow from driving will cause evaporation, preventing you from overheating.
- Wet down your head and wear a large-brim hat. It keeps the sun off your head and allows the water to evaporate cooling you down.
- Wear a sweat-wicking t-shirt. Don't wear cotton. It makes you hotter
- Always plan for the worst-case scenario. Make sure to have access to a fan, cold drinks, or the ability to submerge your hands and feet into cold water. Your extra set of cooling packs can be placed in your armpits and inner thighs to help bring down your temperature.
- Get that coat and helmet off and get the fan on you for a good 5 min. Either sit in the trailer or your car with the AC on full blast.
- Stop at a local gas station and get a Slushy. Drink it on your way home.
- When you get home, take a cool shower and rehydrate.
Assemble Your Cooling Tool Kit
- Cooling Vest Garments
- Cooling Packs
- Cooler or Cooler Bag or Large 3-gallon Zip-Lock type bag
- Ice and water - ThermApparel Cooling Packs will refreeze in ice water in 30 min.
- Water bottles
- Towel to wipe off Cooling Packs when they come out of the ice water.
- Portable Travel Fan
- UV Umbrella
- Sweat Wicking T-shirt
Cooler Bags we like
And no we don’t get a commission
Rare Form Beck Cooler Bag
Arctic Zone Titan Deep Freeze 30 Can Insulated Tote
- Coleman 16-Quart Portable Cooler
This blog is a part of our Summer Bucket List Blog Series.
Check out the entire series to see all the cool adventures you can have this summer.